

Meeting Notes 10/12/08

  • Josh Gumiela
  • Tommy Reyes
  • Melissa Coleman
  • Rebekah Allen
  • Estefania Martinez
  • Will Roberts
  • Aygul Idiyatullina
  • Lauren Roberts
  • Ben Wilson
  • Jessica Edmond
  • Brian Wilson
  • Lindsay Greer
  • Patrick Mulcrone
  • Sarah Lathrop

Topics discussed:
  1. Website: Instructions and info provided by Josh Gumiela for the Emerge website (www.emergecollective.org), blog, gmail account and community calendar. iWeb and possibly a demonstration from Antonio Martinez suggested for those wanting help with their individual artist pages. Submission of CDs to Josh Gumiela, via his grad mail box, with web-ready files for individual artist pages suggested. Josh Gumiela requests ideas for homepage content. Donation of $6.35 requested from each of the 12 members present to pay for web-hosting and other fees associated with the website.
  2. Bake Sale: Lauren Roberts and Lindsay Greer remind members of goods each promised to bring to bake sale. Bake Sale dates will be Oct 28 & 29, members volunteer to work 2-hr shifts from 7-4pm, schedule will be finalized. Several details considered about making the bake sale happen, such as set-up, storage and Halloween-themed decorations. Tommy Reyes requests that members bring or lend things to decorate the table. Lauren Roberts will be sending out the bake sale work schedule to Emerge members and will make a price list for goods. Flyers will be made and displayed.
  3. Emerge Logo: Several design ideas offered from the “Design Team” and the various designs are discussed, voted on, etc. A design is chosen and will begin to show up on all Emerge associated documents/paraphernalia. Color scheme is still up in the air.
  4. Representatives: Rebekah and Patrick affirm their interest in being representatives to Jan Roddy, DGS.
  5. Graduate Art Exchange: Brian Wilson gives an update of communication between he and a grad representative at Kansas City State University. So far the rep. only offered a schematic of the available space. More details about the exchange and a possible space for our school to offer to them will be needed.

Topics for next meeting(s):
  1. Guidelines for submission of works to the Chicago show
  2. Bake Sale: review of profits/successes, things learned from the experience
  3. Web demo: is there a demo set up for Emerge Artists’ pages?
  4. Logo: updates and selection from the first round of designs, possible business cards could be made for Emerge members w/ website info, etc.?
  5. Reminder: members should have donated $6.35 for website
  6. Ideas: needed for website homepage content, color scheme, fundraising in the coming months
  7. Community Calendar: It doesn’t work if we don’t add events and/or content! With our different backgrounds/mediums/social circles, we must know more events!
  8. Update on “The Show”: reports back from Tommy Reyes about communication, images sent or other items that have occurred since the last update about the Chicago Arts District Exhibition Space.


Proposal for Chicago Exhibition

Date submitted: Sept 29, 2008

We, the members of the graduate MCMA RSO, “Emerge,” propose the following budget with the primary goal of a Multimedia Art exhibition at the Chicago Arts District Exhibition Space, which will run through the month of May 2009. The exhibition will be the first in many of our careers as emerging artists and will also raise awareness of Southern Illinois University’s MCMA graduate programs. We are requesting funds to defer costs of the deposit, rental and operation of the gallery, as well as other expenses listed below.

A group of MCMA graduate students formed the new Registered Student Organization (RSO), Emerge, with the purpose of devising and executing at least one exhibition per academic year that takes place outside the greater Carbondale area. This year the group is organizing a show at the Chicago Arts District Exhibitions space in May of 2009. This will provide a venue for graduate and PhD students in the MCMA department to present and discuss their work in a professional gallery setting. The interdisciplinary focus of the show will attract a diverse audience and promote the SIUC MCMA graduate programs to a broad, if not national, audience.

Expected Outcomes
The show will give the students an understanding of all aspects involved in putting together a show. This is an extremely valuable experience for students preparing thesis shows and post-graduate exhibitions. The show will also generate buzz for the MCMA graduate programs for subsequent shows, as well as individual artists who may be given the opportunity to show in different venues in the Chicagoland area.

In order for an MCMA graduate student’s work to be considered for the Emerge Chicago exhibition, each must meet the following criterion:
• Student must be an active member of the RSO, Emerge, which requires at least 50% attendance at Emerge meetings before the exhibit’s submission deadline
• Student must abide by the process of submission
• Student is responsible for transportation, installation, and removal of artwork
• Student is required to monitor the exhibition space for a minimum of four days
• Student’s work must fit in the category of media arts (photography, video, sound, film, and performance)
• MCMA Graduate students will also be allowed to present papers that fall into the category of media arts.

Students will be responsible for preparing exhibition-ready artworks, in a form applicable to the medium. For example, a video artist will be responsible for his/her own technology to exhibit the piece. Students are also responsible for their own transportation, the delivery and installation of their work, housing, food and other personal expenses. These costs are described as follows:

Expenses of each Emerge participant to spend 4 days in Chicago:
Transportation $100
Room 320
Food 80
Installation of artwork(s) varying
Total (per person) $500

As an RSO, Emerge will potentially receive $1000 from the university. The group will also hold several fundraisers through the academic year to help cover these costs.

We are asking that the MCMA College contribute $1000 for the deposit, which will be returned at the conclusion of the show. In addition, we ask that the college contribute the amount remaining that Emerge is unable to independently raise through fundraisers. Finally, we ask the college to extend their liability insurance to the exhibition space:

Chicago Arts District
1915 South Halsted St.
Chicago, IL 60608

Expenses needed to exhibit in proposed Chicago location:
Rental of Space $1200
Deposit 1000
Electricity 300
Food for Opening 300
Postcards (5000) 160
Postage (Bulk) 300
Liability Insurance Approx. 180
Mailing List 300
Total $3,740


Emerge Blog

Here it is, the official Emerge blog. Check out the MCMA event calendar on the right...